Thursday, April 29, 2010


In the heart of Jamaica in the 1930’s, the movement Rastafarianism grasped the lives of about one million people. The founder of this movement helped shape the name of Rastafarianism, his name was Ras Tafari Makonnen also known as Haile Selassie I, emperor of Ethiopia Selassie reined from November 2, 1930 to September 12, 1974. Selassie was seen as a holy figure, a reincarnation of god by the Rastas’. Rastas’ believe that he will lead Africans to peace, prosperity, and righteousness. Rastafarianism had no organized doctrine, many Rastas believe in the movement as a religion, some see it as a life style or a movement. There are several different themes throughout Rastafarianism; many are seen as goals such as to free slavery in Europe, return to Africa, belief of Pacifism, and the religious use of Ganja, which brings the question, “is it about the religion or the happiness it has in store through drugs?”.
Reggae is the most common music listened to in Rastafarianism, most take the music so serious that even the artist themselves would be respected for decades, such as Bob Marley. Marley was viewed in a very bright way, many people today respect his music and even without the belief they understand that what his music holds is songs of peace, and redemption. Marley became a leader in the Rastafari movement; he was baptized in the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Church in Kingston, Jamaica in 1980. Marley helped shape Rastafarianism and is considered a large portion of the movement.
One of Rastafarians main belief is in Judeo-Christian God, or “Jah”. Rastas religious side to the movement is based on Judaism and Christianity, Rastas focus on the Old Testament laws, they often focus of the Book of Revelation as well as prophesies. A concept of Rastafarianism that is often used is “I and I”, which is a reference to show the close relationship between man and god, and equality of people.
Ganja, otherwise known as marijuana or cannabis, is used religiously by Rastafarians. They use the plant for medical care, and rituals to celebrate. Many Rastafarian’s have dread locks; some have them to portray the characteristics of a lion which represents Africa, the lion of Judah, and strength. When Rastafarianism arose Africa had been in poverty, many were victims or race discrimination and others were depressed. Rastafarianism brought a new light to life for many, though smoking ganja would be considered unjust now, back then and with their beliefs it does not shock one to understand why they did smoke ganja. Many abused the use of marijuana, and did not follow the movement truthfully, but still they considered themselves “Rastas”. There are many aspects to Rastafarianism it is a respected religious, or non-religious way of life. As the same with any religion certain things are required to be followed, but with the use of marijuana it becomes more of an escape. Rastafarianism has a positive structure, but in depression and poverty people will do anything to feel happiness. Rastafarianism overall had an amazing base, and made a difference not only in Jamaica but changed many people’s view of life throughout the world in a great way. It seemed to move people, it helped free the minds of African Americans from slavery, but the abuse of marijuana questions the real meaning of Rastafarianism. Just like any religion certain remedies are used, in society today they may be looked down upon, but they are just sticking to what they believe in. It is a belief that has been passed down from their previous generation and even back then if that is what they believe in then it is not about the satisfaction it is about their faith to the movement and that alone is something to respect.


  1. Amanda , this an excellent article and I completely agree with you on the subject. But how did just one drug free the minds of african american slavery? That was a really big deal.

  2. what is the approximent age that most Rastas died?

  3. your article is very interesting. I kinda had an idea what it was about, but i never would have guessed that it was religious. also that a theme is the freedom of slavery. i love the idea of Rastafarian, but do u think its is a shame that some people use Rastafarian as an excuse to smoke ganja instead of actually know what it is truly about, and the origin of it?

  4. Do you think smoking for Rastafarians is the same as drinking wine for the Christians?

  5. I would of never guessed what Rastafarian was a real religion. Everyone knows what it is about but the religous side of it is really cool. But do you think people who just smoke for fun put Rastafarian down for something that is bad to believe in?

  6. Leilani- I think that just like some Christians, Rastafari's use drugs or alcohol to follow something, but in reality a lot of them become addicted.

  7. Kendal- No, I do not think that it is completely bad, it does not make it moral in our eyes knowing it is illegal, but it is their culture, to them they might not all see it has such a bad thing.

  8. Jillee- I think just like any drug or alcohol related substance it is never a good idea to use those types of things in our society, so I guess in some ways it really is a shame, but I would imagine that they would know more about something they religiously smoke.

  9. Brittany- since this is not that old it is hard to determine an accurate age that they die. I mean their might still be some living from the beginning. I'm sure it wouldn't be as young as you think, it isn't like they were all religiously smoking when they were not even a year old.

  10. Josh- thank you, and I think with so much stress, to them this drugs is meant to calm them and it is said to relieve pain. If someone is a slave of course they are going to feel better if they have some sort of drug to help them forget. (that does not make it good for our culture, but for them it was a moral thing to do.)


On March 14th of 1879 a Jewish boy by the name of Albert Einstein was conceived by Pauline Einstein and Hermann Einstein. Einstein was born in Ulm Württemberg in the German Empire, as a young boy he enjoyed building mechanical devices. Quickly Einstein showed mass amounts of intelligence in mathematics. In 1894 his father’s business went under and he and his family were forced to move to Italy, shortly after that he attended college at the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland he graduated at the age of seventeen with permission from his father with a degree in physics. Einstein alone is one of the most complicated minds ever known, so strange that scientists even preserved his brain for examinations. His theory of relativity led to Atomic bombs causing him to suffer an immense amount of guilt; unable to find out how he was so smart there were many theories of why it may have been. His effect of society soon became much bigger than he ever intended it to be.

In 1905 Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity was introduced in his paper, The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. At age twenty-six he proved his famous equation, which soon led to the creation of atomic energy. Einstein, being the creator of the idea of relativity, soon became a very guilty man. His equation mended the process of atomic war fare together. His intensions had nothing to do with any form of destruction, he was a pacifist, and he had no desire to fight in war or start war what so ever. Einstein wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, with intentions to expedite atomic bombs. He did not think that FDR would actually launch it but after FDR died President Truman made the decision to send the atomic bomb, soon after an atomic bomb was launched and caused Einstein’s biggest mistake, and on August 6th, 1945 an atomic bomb hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Einstein suffered much guilt from this tragedy and was devastated for long after.

Though some may infer that Einstein’s intelligence gave more damage than a good impact, I beg to differ. Einstein gave more incite to the world than many people in the past and even in the present. He achieved an immense amount of things, and wrote over 450 works. When Einstein passed he had no fear of dying, he wanted to die naturally and he knew that when his time came, he should not attempt to prologue his life, he was meant to die on that day. In his time he conspicuously shocked everyone with his brilliance. He amplified mathematics, physics and many perceptions of life. Despite his relations to the start of atomic bombs Albert Einstein was an utter genius, there is a little bit in all of us that envies his aptitude. Some may call him a nuisance to his time, to others he was a role model, but in the end I think we all know he is a mystery. His intelligence was literally deadly but he left a legacy that still lives on today; without Albert Einstein we would be lost, he affected of the way we live today, and his achievements were very memorable.

Word count=533